Develop outstanding leaders

Real World Leader

Leader behaviour is the key to organisational success.

A leader’s behaviour makes all the difference in a team’s performance, significantly more than their competencies or stable traits such as personality.

Evidence shows that it is day-to-day interactions that create either a developmental, engaging environment that maximises a team’s performance and potential, or one that is stressful and success-starved.

Focusing on how leaders behave is particularly essential right now, in an era of major disruption and reinvention of how we work together

How Organisations use the Real World Leader (RWL)

Talent Succession and Planning – Leadership Development & Coaching

The Real World Leader is effective when having careers conversations as it gives an individual the space to reflect on their leadership development, learning and career, and make achievable action plans so that they can develop and grow.

The Real World Leader is a guide to a wide range of valuable leadership behaviours that a leader will likely need to draw upon at different times, in different roles, and when different priorities come along. There is no fixed “ideal” or standard for what a leader should enact more or less because everyone’s role and context change regularly and are so different.

The most effective leaders today flex their approach to address challenges and realise opportunities to respond to their context at a given time. In doing so, they create the greatest chance for others to succeed through positively influencing, engaging and empowering them. The Real World Leader is also powerful in increasing understanding of the collective development needs of a team or group and generate tailored succession planning.

Stay Conversations – Coaching Conversations to support retention and Career Growth

At a time when it is essential you hold on to your key talent, the Real World Leader is a strong foundation for holding career conversations, sometimes called “stay” conversations. It is extremely valuable in enabling a leader to explore which behaviours they enact the most and least often and how well this pattern of behaviour is working for them, or whether they would be more effective if they refocused their energy.

This type of reflection can be much more powerful than exploring personality, traits or strengths asit recognises that we make choices all the time about what behaviours we will enact and which we won’t. In this way, using the Real World Leader for coaching conversations is genuinely empowering
and is a refreshingly new and highly impactful way to help your leaders become more effective in their current job, and increase the chances they will achieve the job they would like in the future.

The Real World Leader (RWL) assesses the behaviours that have
been proven to have the following impact:

We found the RWL to be a really powerful tool which provided some extremely useful and clear insights.

The RWL enabled us to have conversations we wouldn’t have had otherwise about the extent to which we balance a focus on pushing forward with clear strategy and vision with bringing our people with us in pursuit of high performance.

Carla Stockton Jones

Director of Home Service, Sky

When the RWL reports are discussed in the context of business results or expectations, clients often have “ah-hah” moments where they see how their behaviors are impacting their effectiveness.

This leads to specific, actionable next-steps for the leader to take.”

Paul Thallner

CEO, High Peaks Group, USA

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Key benefits of using the Real World Leader for leader development:


Assesses leadership behaviour, not personality


Contemporary evidence-based leadership


Full range model: from emotional intelligence to strategic focus


Designed for senior & Executive leaders

Enables diversity of talent to shine

Our research is deliberately inclusive and clearly shows that the RWL is unusual in enabling diverse and equally-effective leadership approaches to shine.

A modern approach to leader development

Self-assessment tools are popular for helping leaders identify their strengths and areas for development. However, many of the most popular assessments are decades old, not well-researched, and not fit for purpose in today’s ever-changing environment.

The RWL is evidence-based and directly assesses behaviours across a full range of factors from emotional intelligence to strategic focus.

It is based on contemporary research conducted in today’s complex workplaces.

The RWL helps leaders lean into behaviours that unleash the potential, motivation, innovation, wellbeing, and engagement of their teams.

Behavioural selection and recruitment tool

Clearly presented leader profile

The Real World Leader provides you with an easy to interpret profile of the individual’s leadership approach. It assesses the leadership behaviours that the individual enacts most and least often, which have been normed against a large comparison group.

No-cost, on demand accreditation

Becoming accredited to use the Real World Leader is simple. As it assesses behaviour rather than personality, and the findings are fully interpreted for you, Level A and B qualifications are not necessary.

In our online accreditation course, you will learn why we developed the RWL, the compelling research behind the tool, the three behaviour clusters and 12 engaging behaviours, how to have a developmental conversation with your client using the RWL, and more.

The course is available on-demand, so there’s no waiting for a class to fill-up.

Using the RWL as a selection tool

The Real World Leader is designed so that it can also be used to enhance your senior leadership selection processes.

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