Real World Group Fire & Rescue Service
Leadership 360 (FRS360)
We are organisational psychologists who are internationally respected experts in the field of leadership and teamworking. Our evidence-based diagnostic tools help increase performance at the same time as employee wellbeing.
We have been working with numerous Chief Fire Officers and OD teams across the UK and have created an evidence-based, FRS-specific 360-degree feedback tool which assesses the behaviours and competencies included in the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) Leadership Framework.
It is based on an adapted version of our widely proven Engaging Leadership model and augmented with FRS-specific professional and leadership requirements.
In this way, it is not only addressing what the NFCC require but also what is needed of organisation leaders across the world today.
Knowledge and experience of NFCC leadership framework.
The behaviours the FRS360 assesses are proven in both research and practical case studies to help enhance diversity and inclusion. They form an essential foundation for the culture demanded by the Wilsher Report. They also reflect the Leading and Developing People Standards described by the Fire Standards Board.
Tailored versions for different levels of leader
We have created a bespoke middle manager FRS 360 version and a Junior Officer FRS 360 version based on the specific requirements of these roles. In this way, the 360-degree feedback can be rolled out across the wider organisation in an optimally efficient and cost-effective way.
Contact us for a Free Initial Consultation
As described by the NFCC, leadership has two dimensions
These are:
- The WHAT of leadership – professional competence
- The HOW of leadership – the only way to leverage other’s effort in a sustainable way is to pay attention to how you enact your competencies by being an engaging leader.
Download a Sample of a FRS360 Report
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Example client experience:
“My experience of working in collaboration with Real World Group has been extremely positive. Being able to explain our specific requirements and mapping this to our relevant framework has ensured that the needs of our service have been met. Real World Group have delivered to our service through many channels including in person and via a virtual platform. I am grateful to the flexible approach taken by them and the support they have given our service.”
Sarah Guerin, People and Organisational Development, Surrey Fire & Rescue Service
Strong, proven evidence of impact
We have many case studies we are happy to share which describe how we have created exactly the sort of change required by the Wilsher Report.
We have a strong reputation for excellence in understanding what kind of leadership and governance is required for Fire and Rescue Services. We have worked with a variety of organisations from Executive Team level and throughout in enabling them to assess themselves against what is needed and creating effective individual and collective development plans as a result.
Fire and Rescue Services and Blue Light institutions that we have directly assisted in leadership development, including 360-degree feedback and major culture change include
Accreditation to apply Real World Group assessments?
Learn more about how to become accredited to use the Fire and Recue Service FRS360 here.
Download our Fire and Rescue Service PDF
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