Governance and Leadership to be Scrutinised in Emerald Major International Conference

Posted on 5th September 2012

With many recent global corporate scandals coming to light in recent times, ranging from individual organisations to whole sectors, it is perhaps no surprise that governance is garnering increasing attention on the international stage. The international publishers of academic and practitioner texts, Emerald, are capturing this spirit of increased scrutiny in the new conference stream they are starting. 

The first International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance, will be a major event held at Bangkok University 7-8th February 2013, attended by global academics and practitioners in the field. In recognition of the unique contribution Real World Group is making to understanding leadership and governance from both a practical and research-based basis, we have had a paper accepted for presentation at the conference. 

Managing Director, Juliette Alban-Metcalfe, will presenting on the topic of “Leadership, Engagement & Governance: the Critical Impact of the Board”. Her paper discusses the relative dearth of research evidence on the true impact of Board performance, and demonstrates a range of findings by the Real World Group team of the difference effective Boards can make to key organisational performance factors.