Externally- Validated Expertise
GLobal assessment distribution
Maximising The Value of your Investment
Founded in 2001

Maximising The Value of Your Investment
We bring passion, personality and careful thought to what we do, reflecting our belief that what we offer must be fit for the client, and underpinned by respect for their own knowledge and expertise.
Our clients attest that we provide a quality service to maximise the value of the organisation’s investment for its benefit, and the benefit of its people. We strongly believe that employees deserve to experience their workplace as somewhere that their wellbeing and engagement are maximised, in line with the organisation’s vision.

Externally Validated Expertise
Our Co-Founding Director Professor Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe continues to contribute to our thought leadership. Our Chief Executive is Juliette Alban-Metcalfe, a Chartered Occupational Psychologist.
As well as Beverly and Juliette having participated in numerous industry and government-level advisory boards over the years, our leadership models have been independently validated by independent bodies and PhD students worldwide.

Founded in 2001
Since we were founded in 2001 by Professor Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe and Dr John Alban-Metcalfe, we have grown to support direct clients globally from a wide range of sectors. We provide consulting activities designed to embed culture change from the Board to the frontline, using as a foundation our uniquely proven models and diagnostic tools for individuals, teams and whole organisations.

Global assessment distribution
We licence and support consulting firms and coaches to apply our diagnostic tools with their own clients in a variety of countries, including Canada, Australia, Singapore, Russia & Switzerland.
These Partners further benefit in their marketing and client development from the wide range of publications we have authored as world-renowned psychologists, in both academic and practitioner journals and magazines.